Massage procedure:
The massage starts with a gentle stretching to release tension in the back and hips and it is carried out through a sarong or towel. Once you feel comfortable, the massage therapist will work on the blockages using the aromatherapy essential oils within the oil massage that wonderfully warm up and relax your thigh muscles. The massage concentrates on deep muscles along the spine, the area of shoulder blades, shoulders, neck spine and back of neck, but also the area of the lower back, hips and buttocks. The therapist uses palms as well as forearms and pressure points which release deep muscle tension. Longer massage sessions include thigh and calf muscles and feet, hands and neckline. The massage also includes a relaxation head massage so you will leave beautifully relaxed and rested both in the body and soul.
The massage includes:
Passive stretching
Stretching is a special form of slow movement intended to stretch muscles, it increases joint mobility and helps remove muscle and mind tension.
Trigger point therapy
Trigger points are used to remove pain in the locomotive system. Trigger point therapy can remove tension as well as muscle pain. It helps restore muscle elasticity and flexibility of movement.
Why it’s good to try this massage:
- It releases pain and muscle stiffness.
- It increases flexibility of movement.
- It heals old wounds and chronic pain.
- It harmonises your body and mind.
- It lowers stress levels.
- 60 minutes .................... 1.600 CZK
- 90 minutes .................... 2.200 CZK
- 120 minutes .................... 2.700 CZK