Massage procedure:
The massage starts with a contact massage to ease tension, carried out through a sarong or towel. It is followed by an oil massage starting with long deep strokes along the spine using forearms. This way the erectors and deep back muscles are stretched. The therapist will continue with shoulders, shoulder blades, neck spine, lower back and hips until they are nicely relaxed. The pleasant massage of the buttocks is also included. In longer sessions, you can also enjoy nice and long strokes with forearms in the area of thighs and calf muscles, thorough feet massage and anti-stress head massage.
Possible variations of our Hawaiian massage:
COCONUT DREAM Hawaiian massage
This version uses nutritional effects and the pleasant scent of 100% organic coconut oil. If you close your eyes it will take you to faraway tropical lands. With your eyes closed, you might hear the hum of the ocean. You will feel its beautiful scent on you skin for the rest of the day.
The intoxicating flower scent of jasmine, rose, passion flower and plumeria will caress your body and soul and will allow you to choose whatever you need. The luxury oils from Pure Fiji will nourish your skin and leave it silky soft and fragrant.
- 60 minutes .................... 1.600 CZK
- 90 minutes .................... 2.200 CZK
- 120 minutes .................... 2.700 CZK